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Younger generations holding on to home ownership dreams

Millennials and Gen Z are holding on to hope when it comes to achieving their dream homes, new research has found.

Quarterly price growth showing ‘clear signs’ of slowing

While national home values continue to increase, more signs of cooling have shown in August.

How are brokers helping buyers gear up for spring

Spring is underway and with it brings a busy season of buying and selling. One broker had a chat to Broker Daily about how he’s helping his clients prepare.

Brokerage reports ‘spike’ in pre-approvals

Buyer confidence ahead of the spring selling season has been highlighted by an increase in finance pre-approvals.

How private credit funds can help brokers improve client servicing

The MD of a private credit fund manager has shed light on how brokers can utilise its credit fund for alternative solutions to meet clients’ needs.

Value of commercial loans settled by brokers hits record high

An industry report has revealed that while the overall number of brokers settling commercial loans has dropped, the value of those loans has reached new heights.

Australia entering ‘new era’ of internal migration

Research commissioned by CBA has found that regional living is becoming a “sustained population trend”.

WA is an investor’s dream: Will it last?

Western Australia has seen a substantial increase in investment loans over the last year, far ahead of other parts of the country. Is this popularity expected to last or will it all turn ...

Spring is prime time for selling and buying property

Spring is almost here and, in anticipation of arguably the best season, reports have forecast the selling climate we can expect in 3Q24.

AHRC pledges support for parliamentary push to make adequate housing a human right

The Australian Human Rights Commission has thrown its support behind a private member’s bill that would recognise the human right to adequate housing and support improved housing outcomes ...

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