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Rubik appoints institutional sales head

Wealth management technology provider Rubik has named Anthony Meogrossi as its new head of institutional sales.

Mr Meogrossi makes the move from Bravura, where he held the position of head of account management as part of the business’ Asia-Pacific sales team. He has also held the title of client relationship manager with both GBST and SunGard.

Rubik chief executive Iain Dunstan said Mr Meogrossi’s experience makes him well suited to the role, and the firm looks forward to welcoming him.

“Anthony’s strong network of industry relationships and experience in wealth management platforms supporting superannuation, investments, life insurance and wraps make him a valuable asset to Rubik’s Financial Services division,” he said.


Mr Meogrossi’s appointment comes shortly after Jay Ellis was announced as the firm's national account manager for mortgages, a role that will report to Mr Meogrossi.

[Related: Former Westpac CEO joins Rubik]

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